
Swizzels Matlow Ditches手动排序支持自动化的光学分拣机,在自由落体中快速准确地检查产品。

Hand sorting is out. Automated inspection is in atSwizzels Matlow, one of the oldest confectionery manufacturers in the United Kingdom. Increased demand for its Drumstick Squashies, a chewy candy, prompted Swizzels to forgo manual sorting in favor of using the Nimbus optical sorter fromTOMRA是一款自动落盘分拣机,可快速准确地对其鼓槌南瓜糖果进行糖果,帮助Swizzels提高吞吐量,同时确保产品的一致质量。

在2018年庆祝了自己的90年华诞,西南izzels is known for its iconic candy brands, including Love Hearts, Refreshers, Drumstick Lollies, Double Lollies, Parma Violets and Rainbow Drops. The family-owned business credits its long run in part to investing in new manufacturing and packaging equipment that have helped it to optimize the efficiency of its operations, which produced 20,000 tons of candy in 2018. That includes installing the TOMRA Nimbus optical sorter to handle the inspection of its Drumstick Squashies.

“We previously used manual labor to remove any imperfect sweets that may have been created during the process,” says Matt Whatcott, business unit manager at Swizzels. “Our desire to provide only product of the highest quality to our consumers drove us to seek an alternative solution to manual sorting in order to improve the effectiveness [of our operations] while also delivering cost benefits to the business.”

Under intense scrutiny

Swizzels一直在德比郡的植物中使用Tomra Nimbus光学分拣机大约一年。分拣机在自由落下分离并检查产品,允许检查产品的整个表面积。

The Drumstick Squashies are fed onto to vibratory conveyor that spreads the candies evenly and in a single layer. They then go into a free fall and pass the scanning area, which uses several sensor technologies to detect different types of defects, such as deformities like misshaped candies or candies joined together, unwanted discoloration, or foreign materials.


When the Nimbus detects a defect in the product, a powerful burst of air removes the imperfect product from the stream. It is then inspected a second time to make sure the company is not rejecting good product.




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