Serialization and Aggregation Systems for Pharmaceuticals

梅特勒 - 托莱多PCElaunched the T60 Integrated 360 Series of solutions for serialization and aggregation of bottles and vials in the pharmaceutical sector, enhancing quality control and traceability of products with 360o image capture.


T60Series T63 T65 01 PCE 35 1



T63集成360序列化- 此解决方案可以直接序列化到应用的标签而不是传统的“标签上的”应用程序。它还验证内容和标签质量是否有污迹或标签偏斜,以确保高质量的产品演示,导致仅经过身份验证的产品序列化将记录到数据库上。

T65 Integrated 360 Aggregation- 这通过在输送机上获取全部360°视图来提供聚集在输送机上,以便最终插入二次盒子和情况,而现有方法需要额外处理瓶子和小瓶的辅助码的自上而下打印。

Pack Expo拉斯维加斯医疗保健包装博览会(Sept. 27-29, Las Vegas Convention Center) will reunite the packaging and processing community. With over 1400 exhibitors, no other event in 2021 will bring together a more comprehensive gathering of suppliers offering new products, technologies and solutions. Attendee registration is nowopen


T60集成360系列采用六个图像传感器的独特摄像机配置,可提供360o瓶子的形象。用户可以选择quid Lens that allows for 0.35mm module size inspection, or a Fixed Local Lens that allows for 0.2mm module size inspection. Both the T63 and T65 use梅特勒 - 托莱多PCELine Manager软件,提供在软件中预先配置的序列化和聚合配置。该系统适用于集成到各种场地安装中,可以轻松地连接多个第三方编码和标记解决方案。
