Building upon its existing range of sensors, these new sensors are housed in durable AISI316L stainless steel housings or PTFE Teflon housings for high chemical resistance.
Carlo Gavazzi的CA18 / 30电容式接近传感器基于其第4代Tripleshield传感器。系列传感器代表了在应用程序中需要不断准确地监控和记录的应用中的工业自动化设备的理想解决方案。
除了全面of technical features provided by its capacitive sensor families, the IO-Link communication mode enables additional advanced functionalities such as: QoR (Quality of Run), QoT (Quality of Teach) and diagnostic parameters. With IO-Link each sensor becomes fully programmable and customizable, allowing more than half a million setting combinations.
TheCapacitive Proximity Sensors with Integrated IO-Linkfeature:
• M18 and M30 in AISI316L stainless steel or PTFE housings
•逻辑功能:,或,xor和“门控SR / FF”
•报警输出:温度和灰尘 - 可调节设定点
•2 M PVC电缆或M12-PLUG
• IO-Link communication V 1.1