WERUM IT解决方案:智能生物识别验证溶液K.Me-In for Pharma和Biotech与Nymi合作


NYMI频带的设计旨在使操作员通过生物识别手段牢固而无缝地对WERUM的PAS-X MES进行验证。
NYMI频带的设计旨在使操作员通过生物识别手段牢固而无缝地对WERUM的PAS-X MES进行验证。

Werum IT Solutions是制造执行系统(MES)和制造IT系统的制造和生物制药行业的IT系统,宣布启动K.Me-In,这是Nymi的生物识别身份验证系统,Nymi(Werum's werum's)pas-x米anufacturing Execution System (MES). This system is designed to allow users on the pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical shop floor to securely and seamlessly authenticate to systems, devices, and machines via a smart wristband. In the future, K.ME-IN is planned to be extended to allow user authentication via further biometric means such as iris scan, face recognition, fingerprint, or a combination of those.

Nymi带是一种可穿戴设备,旨在在所有类型的保护服装下佩戴,并根据其生物特征识别分配给每个用户。开箱即用的系统被整合到Werum的PAS-X MES,即制药和生物技术制造的MES。另外,一旦对Nymi频带进行身份验证,它应该保留并传输佩戴者的识别,直到删除为止。它旨在替换传统的输入用户名和密码,销钉代码或徽章的方法,并旨在确保只有登录的用户才能进行条目。

“We are convinced that having Nymi as part of our K.ME-IN biometric authentication solution is going to make our pharmaceutical and biotech customers even more productive,” says Obay Alchorbaji, Product Manager, Werum IT Solutions. “With our new solution we address the very real challenge in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical market of ensuring secure and fast authentication while meeting compliance and data integrity requirements. We help our customers cut authentication times by up to 75% thus significantly increasing their production efficiency.”

副总裁安德鲁•特Nymi说,该公司has already seen an increase in productivity and security that this partnership is bringing to the production environments of their customers. He also says that it should ease the authentication procedures for pharma and biotech operators so that they can concentrate better on their task at hand.

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