The gateways provide both serial-to-Ethernet communication and serial(Master)-to-serial(Slave) communication. In addition, the gateways support simultaneously connecting serial and Ethernet masters with serial Modbus devices.
的MGate MB3170 MB3270系列网关accessed by up to 32 TCP master/clients or connect to up to 32 TCP slave/servers. Routing through the serial ports can be controlled by IP address, TCP port number or ID mapping. A featured priority control function allows urgent commands to obtain an immediate response. All models are rugged, DIN-rail mountable, and offer optional built-in optical isolation for serial signals.
Moxa’s Auto-Device Routing function helps eliminate many of the problems and inconveniences encountered by engineers who need to configure large numbers of Modbus devices. A single mouse click is all that’s required to set up a slave ID routing table and configure Modbus gateways to automatically detect Modbus requests from a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. By removing the need to manually create the slave ID routing table, the Auto-Device Routing function saves engineers significant time and cost.