Aesolutions很荣幸地宣布使用AefaCilitator(其安全生命周期管理平台的最新版本)发布Aeshield V4.0。Aeshield与AefaCilitator配对,通过使整个组织中的不同人员/群体无缝传输数据,以支持整个过程安全生命周期从危害分析到变更管理(MOC),并再次通过流程,以有效地为客户提供最大的价值。推动石油和天然气,化学,石化和特种化学工业的持续风险降低。
使用AefaCilitator Enterprise Software应用程序的Aeshield通过集中关键流程安全信息,整合整个生命周期中使用的工具数量,并优化整个组织中的数据可访问性,从而使安全性变得简单。
aeShield V4.0 with aeFacilitator NEW Functionality Includes:
- 当不从传统LOPA方法生成目标时,编辑器覆盖SIF目标
- Configurable severity types and reporting options by severity
- Additional health meters to further analyze bypass, demand, and spurious trips
- 增强了SRS数据表编辑器,包括用于更快开发和可重复使用的模板
- 升级后的SRS数据表,包括颜色编码和映射到IEC 61511子规定
- Improved aeFacilitator interface and advanced reporting
"aeShield V4.0 with aeFacilitator is the only comprehensive tool to truly make compliance with the safety lifecycle simple," states Mike Scott, Executive Vice President of Global Process Safety Technology for aeSolutions. "Companies were challenged with conforming to ISA84/IEC 61511 standards due to the immense amount of data to collect and the disparate tools they were using. aeShield with aeFacilitator is a single tool to provide a single source of the truth. Our customers are realizing significant cost savings and more importantly are improving the process safety performance at their facilities. This translates directly to reducing risk, saving lives, and protecting the environment."