
在Bottero Group,Kollmorgen的AKD系列驱动器执行多个功能

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借助“泰坦”系列,Bottero Group开发了一种用于玻璃加工的全自动植物,可进行双边磨碎的窗格边缘。磨床由一个大型框架组成,该框架允许对具有不同尺寸和形状的床单进行标准处理,而无需进行任何操作修改。设计过程中的主要目标是创建最简单,最全自动的驾驶系统,而不会危害其效率。为了实现这一目标,Bottero与Kollmorgen合作开发了一个基于单个AKD伺服连接器的解决方案,该解决方案用于驱动两个不同时运行的伺服运动。


In the Titan series, the glass is transported through four toothed belts - two upper belts and two lower belts. Each belt has its own drive with synchronized axes. KOLLMORGEN’s synchronous servomotors of the AKM series use the Hiperface feedback system. Once the positioning of the plate is completed, the drives act as simple threephase speed controllers for the induction motors that operate the wheels. The tasks of the other 6 AKD drives are structured in a similar way to distribute the 16 control operations to half of the drives. The operation of induction motors is performed through incremental transducers, with either U/F characteristic curve or open regulation circuit (open loop). This rather unusual choice has come from intensive development, in which the experts at KOLLMORGEN drive systems have actively collaborated in. During the project it became clear that the motors integrated in the "Titan" models are never operated at the same time. This gave rise to the idea to connect two motors with a single servo drive. The technical implementation of this project was possible only because the KOLLMORGEN’s AKD drives have two separate X9 and X10 interfaces, which permit two different feedback systems to be connected which in turn are connected with two programmatic function blocks based on the application.


任务完成后,电动机的各个参数将由中央AKD PDMM实时通过Ethercat以太网总线传输。驱动器支持通过设备上的I/O连接进行通信。在与Kollmorgen合作开发的配置中,驱动器分别具有75个数字输入,22个数字输出和10个模拟输入和输出。借助此“船上”技术,Bottero节省了分散的I/O系统的30%,降低了硬件和安装成本以及控制柜中的空间。与触摸面板显示系统与上层控制单元的通信通过Modbus TCP实现。




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