


包装机行业中越来越多的公司选择了电气伺服技术,主要是为了取代先前由气动系统提供动力的运动轴。“伺服技术可提高可控性并减少噪声排放。这些系统还有助于我们增加生产周期的数量”,Guido Spix,CTO Multivac,最近在包装节目中强调。包装机公司使用Kollmorgen的运动控制解决方案来降低能耗,提高整体机器的效率并提高安全性

Secure packaging: Besides machine and operator safety, for Multivac, this also includes safe packaging processes. The excellent traceability and controllability of Kollmorgen’s servo technology for example, helped Multivac to design a more efficient sealing process for deep drawn packages with the additional benefit of improved food safety. This solution is currently used on the high performance deep draw machines, designed for mid-size to large loads.

与传统的主要是气动驱动的起重单元相比,R2XX到R5XX机器的新线条利用电动机组合来深度绘制并密封箔纸。这些单元利用膝盖杠杆机制来提升成型工具 - 有些重量为几百公斤。它们承受高达20吨的高粘结压力,确保两条箔封面。作为Multivac的战略运动控制合作伙伴,Kollmorgen实施了一个紧凑的单位,由AKM® servo motor以及用于起重轴的循环齿轮驱动器。Kollmorgen与Multivac的工程开发团队密切合作,计算并选择了最佳运动尺寸和齿轮驱动器类型。

Two important aspects for the drive train selection were the overall unit length and overload capacity. The model HKS03 six-point lift unit features a servo gear motor with brake having a total length of 307mm and an acceleration torque of 1400 Nm. These results are possible thanks to the high power density of the AKM servo motors, the ideal overall length of the cycloidal gear drive and the fact that the unit comes without end bells and clutches. Piston rods convert the rotary to linear lifting motion. This solution has three significant advantages. Firstly, the energy efficiency of the machine increases because the pneumatic system was replaced as the power source to create the required pressure for the deep draw and sealing operation. Secondly, the geometry of the piston rods creates an extreme closing force at the end of travel which improves food safety. Finally, the high sealing force results in a more secure and thus reliable sealing process.

双组分促红细胞生成素xy coat used for the hygienic design conforms with FDA 21 CFR 175.300 and is resistant against acids, bases and established cleaning agents with a pH range of 2 to 12. In a long term test performed by the company EcoLab, this coat withstood exposure to an equivalent of more than 2000 washdown cycles including disinfecting treatments. Kollmorgen’s washdown gear motor comes standard with a white coating, significantly improving the machine operators’ ability to detect dirt and biofilms on the surface during cleaning operations.

作为选择,提供了不锈钢涂层。两层涂层的表面都是驱虫剂(疏水),水性液体将更容易流出,从而导致表面残留物的形成减少。因此,可以将Kollmorgen的“完美干净”齿轮电动机的标准无缝地纳入Multivac Hygienic Design™概念中,该概念严格应用于所有深度绘制包装机。

From Co-Engineering to Production
Multivac has a global distribution network with about 60 subsidiaries and offers a variety of different machine models with different features. Managing this variety with extensive standardization requires strategic partners that are able to cover a large range of machine applications with their technologies. The Kollmorgen washdown gear motor solution is a perfect example for how a project based custom-designed and custom-built product becomes a standardized, ready-to-install module. The concept of the current motion and automation technology used on the deep draw machine follows the requirements of the new Multivac solution: more flexibility by being able to combine several axes interchangeably and at the same time, smaller control units, plus an increase in dynamic performance for better productivity. In summary, thanks to Multivac’s and Kollmorgen’s close cooperation in this project, the entire pneumatic system was replaced by a highly efficient electrical solution. After the first successful practice runs, Multivac determined a reduction in energy consumption for the R 095 e-concept of at least 20 percent compared to similar models.

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