用于SOFTING Modbus到FF网关的高性能DTM

Softing released the latest version of the FF-HSE-LD CommDTM for its FOUNDATIONTM fieldbus to Modbus Gateway (FG-110 FF).

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版本1.30符合FDT规范1.2,可以在没有特定许可密钥或许可加密狗的情况下使用。由FF HSE通信DTM和FF链接设备网关DTM组成的易于使用的软件支持三个Microsoft操作系统:Windows XP,Windows 7和Windows 8。SMART VISION, FieldMate, Field Device Manager, or PACTware with Softing's FG-110 FF or Softing’s Foundation fieldbus Interface Module FIM-110 FF. The FF-HSE-LD CommDTM allows transparent access to field devices that support the FDT standard and are connected to the referring FF H1 networks. The software is included with Softing's gateway solutions FG-110 FF and FIM-110 FF (CD-ROM) or, alternatively, can be downloaded from the Softing website free-of-charge.

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