传感器提供了一个可靠的替代机械开关,可能有高磨损率。传感器使用电容技术进行启动和停止驱动,并可采用两种传感原理之一:动态和静态。具有动态电容测量原理的模型检测手或手指的驱动;输出信号被驱动300毫秒。这个原理允许传感器忽略在传感面上的积聚。动态触摸传感器可以抑制水、冰层或粘在传感器表面的颗粒等干扰。即使操作员戴着手套,传感器也会触发。静态触摸传感器检测手和物体,只要感应脸是阻尼的。这在双手控制或防捆绑应用中特别有用。静态触摸传感器也可以通过玻璃工作。 Compared to mechanical switches, the sensors operate without wear, and because they react to light contact, no pressure is required for actuation. The sensor's ergonomic design allows them to be actuated with a hand or single finger. Switching status LEDs provide optical feedback. The polycarbonate housing is durable, oil resistant, impact and scratch resistant and carries an IP69K NEMA rating.