Created to extend Allen-Bradley RS-Logix 5000 functionality, WAGO’s AOI offloads Allen-Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix and DriveLogix controllers. AOI also provides previously unavailable or cost-prohibitive specialty functions via WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM controllers, analog, digital and specialty modules.
新的AOI支持WAGO的频率计数器模块,2通道和4通道0-20mA输入模块,以及2通道0-10V直流输出模块。根据A-B PLC的容量,可以集成WAGO BuscupoLers和特种I / O,如三相电源测量或Enocean无线电接收器。这使得遗留控制系统中的应用程序开发,例如资本资产管理和无线楼宇自动化。
不需要额外的软件和仅限最小的用户编程,AOI完全记录并保留了用于可用性的RS-Logix 5000 GUI。只需从RS-Logix 5000应用程序中的菜单中选择相应的WAGO AOI,并将AOI直接插入工作代码。
WAGO has 40 AOI sets available; for additional information and to obtain AOI for free, visit or or 1-800-DIN-Rail.