
For pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors, the VRS employs the company’s NovaTrack Blockchain benefits to address DSCSA requirements for sale of returned products.

ad, a provider of serialization and track and trace solutions, has addressed a looming compliance issue through its recently introduced Blockchain-based Adents NovaTrack product. Developed in collaboration with Microsoft, the supply chain product has led to the introduction of a seamless Adents Verification Router Service Solution per upcoming U.S. pharmaceuticals serialization requirements.




通过专用的工作组,其中一个商人是会员 - 医疗保健分配联盟已传达任何有效的VRS解决方案必须解决的规范,标准和用户案例方案,例如请求者和响应者的要求,以及带有存储库的查找目录连接。在这方面,VRS已成为一种复杂的供应链问题,需要提高互操作性和安全性。除其他要求之外,VRS解决方案必须可靠和安全地分享信息,仍然灵活,持续新进入者,并受到公共和行业驱动的治理。

VRS允许公司通过输入四个产品标识符元素-Gtin,序列号,批次和到期到一个请求来验证产品,然后通过查找目录转发到适当的制造商存储库。接下来,从制造商的存储库中生成响应并将其路由回请求者,详细介绍是否已验证产品 - 是否可以返回可销售库存。

It is against this landscape that, through Adents NovaTrack, the new Adents VRS Solution is designed to excel, not only due to its Blockchain-based functionality but also differentiators within this Blockchain niche. Adents NovaTrack is agnostic, making it compatible with any Level 4 (enterprise-level) serialization offering. This means that an organization can implement Adents VRS Solution without regard to its particular Level 4 solution.

Other highlights of Adents VRS Solution include:

•响应者可以连接到Adent Prodigi或直接到制造商的PI存储库

• Requestors can be called via Mobile app or any Warehouse Management System via API


Adents VRS解决方案也谈到区块链本身,因为它有效地解决了供应链环境所面临的许多问题。区块链允许将信息直接连接到诸如产品,批次甚至运输容器之类的单元上。这些信息可以在各种授权参与者之间共享,屈服于开放,群体认证的产品来源,构图和供应链之旅。这些优势与DSCSA的目标保持一致,以构建可互操作的电子验证系统。

Adents VRS解决方案还考虑了可访问性,可扩展性和未来业务需求,因为IT地址的挑战与U.S.互操作的单位可追溯性系统的建立相关,而且每个DSCSA也是如此。

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