华丽集团是一家不同行业的可追溯性系统的全球可追溯性系统提供商 - 即制药,医疗器械,医疗保健,食品和自然资源 - 将在Achema展出Achema的完全序列化线,于2018年6月11日至15日,在德国法兰克福,展台F31- 3.1号厅。
The event, bringing together 166,000 attendees from 100 countries, is marking another first for OPTEL, as it will demonstrate a complete serialized production line, with serialization and aggregation solutions (L1-L2), as well as OPTEL’s new warehouse management software and enterprise-level serialization software (L3‑L4‑L5), for the first time in Europe.
Optel将出示新的医疗保健解决方案,Optel Certa™,一套专门为符合欧盟口蹄疫规定而设计的医院和零售药店的验证和退役系统。