Safety over EtherCAT approved as Chinese National Standard

FSHerCAT的安全技术是2018年10月1日在中国的推荐国家标准(GB / T)。

Those present for the announcement in the ETG booth included (from left to right) Dr. Guido Beckmann, chairman of the ETG Technical Committee, Mr. Ping Wang, general manager of Suzhou i-COW Intelligent Logistics Technology Co. Ltd, Ms. Beryl Fan, chief representative of ETG China and Mr. Jinsong Ouyang, president of ITEI.
Those present for the announcement in the ETG booth included (from left to right) Dr. Guido Beckmann, chairman of the ETG Technical Committee, Mr. Ping Wang, general manager of Suzhou i-COW Intelligent Logistics Technology Co. Ltd, Ms. Beryl Fan, chief representative of ETG China and Mr. Jinsong Ouyang, president of ITEI.



EtherCAT itself has been a Chinese recommended standard since 2014. With FSoE now also reaching this official status, end users, system integrators and device manufacturers alike have the reassurance that the entire EtherCAT technology ecosystem is fully accepted in China.This development will also further facilitate the implementation and use of Safety over EtherCAT in China and beyond.

“我们将继续教育市场并加强对运营商,机器和工厂的功能安全的重要性的认识,”EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG)在中国。“通过FSOE技术,我们可以为市场提供灵活,用户友好和经济高效的解决方案,而ETG办公室在中国仍然可以在这一领域提供支持。”

圭多是博士ckmann, chairman of the ETG Technical Committee, adds: “I am encouraged by the great interest in the important Safety over EtherCAT technology and in Functional Safety in general. These topics are clearly gaining in importance among users and machine builders in China and around the world.”

FSOE GB / T标准36006-2018在上海最近的工业自动化展中宣布。中国(SAC)委员会SAC / TC124 / SC4标准化管理中的标准化进程得到了仪表技术和经济研究所(ITEI)和中国ETG团队的支持。

ETG has also established an FSoE conformance test center in collaboration with TÜV SÜD China at Beihang University in Beijing to provide additional support for the technology as it continues to be implemented throughout China. ETG also held a Safety over EtherCAT seminar in Shanghai, which provided detailed information about the architecture, technology, implementation and user benefits of FSoE.

Both EtherCAT and FSoE are also international IEC standards, which automatically makes them nationally accepted standards in most countries.

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