SMAC Moving Coil Actuators introduces tech niches

SMAC expands its group of patented and patent-pending tech niche applications to address sealing, capping, filling and dispensing problems common to the packaging industry.

SMAC Moving Coil Actuatorsintroduced details for its tech niches in a tour of live demonstrations in New York City, Munich, Germany, and Tokyo, Japan. The company’s expanding group of patented and patent-pending tech niche applications give SMAC distributors a tool for expanding sales of its products.

SMAC has carved out a number of applications to overcome known problems in the packaging industry.

The company says its built in sensor feedback system gives SMAC’s Moving Coil Actuators the unique mechatronic ability to “do work and verify its success at the same time.” This would allow the actuators to quality check key processes 100 percent in real time and feedback the results.

SMAC refers to these as true “mechatronic solutions,” with unique capabilities such as programmable and controllable position, velocity, force, accelerations up to and over 100G, cycle life well over 100M, and a patent-pending Soft-Land capability. The Soft-Land capability is very useful when performing fragile part assembly, measurement, moving objects, etc.

The company’s low friction guide system makes its actuators extremely repeatable from move to move—within one millisecond. The product developmentgroup within SMAC originated such models as the linear/rotary actuator, the two independent axis gripper, a direct drive Robotic Finger, and magnetic circuit designs.

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