Contract Packaging Association names three new directors

罗布·雷德斯(Rob Reinders),乔恩·海沃德(Jon Hayward),汤姆·兰德里(Tom Landry):新却熟悉的面孔加入了CPA董事会。

The Contract Packaging Association is pleased to announce three new director additions to the CPA Board.罗伯特·雷德斯(Robert Reinders)was elected director by the CPA membership for the term of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018. The CPA Board of Directors also chose乔恩·海沃德(Jon Hayward)汤姆·兰德里(Tom Landry)填补两个空置董事职位,以延长到2017年6月30日。

Rob Reinders is the owner and leader of内华达州的性能包装以及性能机械和RCR饮料。他在灵活包装行业的灵活包装产品的生产,运营和销售/营销方面拥有30多年的透彻知识。

乔恩·海沃德(Jon Hayward)是粘合的pac,总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的债券物流的合同包装和履行部。

汤姆·兰德里(Tom Landry)is the president and co-founder of效忠人员of Spring, TX. Under his leadership, Allegiance Staffing has become one of only 13 staffing companies to be named “Best in Staffing” by Inavero seven consecutive years (2010 – 2016).

CPA董事会副总裁蒂姆·科尔斯(Tim Koers)宣布了这些新的CPA领导职务,他指出,这三个“为各自行业带来了多年的专业知识,并证明了他们对协会和行业的志愿者贡献。“ CPA董事总经理Nikki Johnson补充说:“ CPA将在Rob,Tom and Jon的指导下继续受益并成长,我期待在未来几个月内与他们合作。”

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