·Surpassing its landfill diversion goal of 95%, scoring 96.2% instead
领先的食品公司在拉斯维加斯包博览会上获得制造奖的可持续发展 |
“由于员工和合作伙伴的辛勤工作,我们非常自豪地超出了我们的2020年的环境影响目标,”总裁兼首席执行官Mark Smucker说。“这项工作不仅支持确保一个健康的星球的承诺,它对我们组织的热情激发了继续识别和实施进一步减少环境足迹的项目。我们的进步也激发了我们开发一套新的环境影响目标,我们将作为即将到来的2021年企业影响报告的一部分分享。“
根据J.M. Smucker,“每一代的反对sumers leaves their mark on culture by establishing new expectations for food and the companies that make it. At The J.M. Smucker Co., it is our privilege to be at the heart of this dynamic with a diverse portfolio that appeals to each generation of people and pets and is found in nearly 90% of U.S. homes and countless restaurants. By continuing to immerse ourselves in consumer preferences and acting responsibly, we will continue growing our business and the positive impact we have on society.”