RōBEX Announces New Vice Presidents

Rōbex促进了Cal Bowers副总裁 - 成长和特洛伊Kudzia致副总裁 - 解决方案。


Craig Francisco, President of RōBEX stated, “We are pleased to have Cal Bowers lead the next phase of our evolution and growth. As the RōBEX organization responds to accelerating industry needs for automation and production optimization, his diverse busines experience will help drive our continued success. Joining us only 6 months ago, his talent and understanding have helped create strong relationships with customers, prospects and team members.”

“Troy Kudziahas over two decades of robotic/automation and electrical sales experience. He’s known for his analytical approach to problems and delivering intelligent solutions to clients. As Vice President–Solutions, he leads an非凡的rōbex团队的聪明,解决问题,在执行创新的增值解决方案时擅长。通过这支球队到位,我们对我们的未来非常乐观“添加了弗朗西斯科。

PACK EXPO Las VegasHealthcare Packaging EXPO(9月27日至29日,拉斯维加斯会议中心)将重新配置包装和加工社区,提供新产品,技术和解决方案,同时实施安全和成功的事件的最新协议。与会者注册现已开放。

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