Marchesini GroupTakes Part in Achema Pulse, a Foretaste of 2022’s International Show

Vaccine-related efforts and other initiatives to be outlined, plus the kick-off of a new digital event series.

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在下一版ACHEMA的比赛中,该行业在大流行施加后的第一个大型国际活动中,该组织的组织者启动了Achema Pulse Digital Portal。
在下一版ACHEMA的比赛中,该行业在大流行施加后的第一个大型国际活动中,该组织的组织者启动了Achema Pulse Digital Portal。

In the run-up to the next edition of Achema (4-8 April 2022), the industry’s first big international event after the stop imposed by the pandemic, the German show’s organisers have launched the Achema Pulse digital portal. The platform will be online throughout the month of June, with two red-letter dates, the Live Days on 15 and 16 June, when industry players will present the new process and packaging trends.

Marchesini Group, which has already created its virtual showroom on the Achema Pulse website, will be taking part in the Live Days with three presentations to update its customers effectively with the latest innovations in pharmaceutical packaging technology. First up will be Carlo Brogi–product manager at Corima, the Marchesini Group brand specialising in aseptic packaging solutions–who will give an Exhibitor Pitch on 15 June to illustrate the company’s work to develop vaccine filling and secondary packaging lines. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Marchesini Group has revised its production plans to achieve the maximum acceleration in the realisation and shipment of solutions able to fill and package vials and syringes with anti-Covid-19 vaccines. Today, Marchesini’s technologies–advertised through the international Our Battle in a Bottle campaign–are used in the plants of the main vaccine producers worldwide, especially the manufacturers of Sputnik V and AstraZeneca.

The following day, Alessandro Monopoli and Edoardo Ferretti, Marchesini Group product manager and sales product manager, will appear live in an Exhibitor Workshop focused on blister packaging technologies. In the afternoon, Simone Albanese, Marchesini Group area manager for the UK and Ireland, will present an Exhibitor Panel on the latest vial packaging solutions.

Marchesini Group专家的演讲也将是调查大流行期间该集团组织的举措的机会,以为客户提供全力支持。其中的关键是Xdays - 数字活动,提供了该集团主要技术的丰富概述 - 以及Xcare软件包的发布,该软件包的推出使得超过100台机器能够通过流媒体通过流媒体进行远程测试。最新的项目是额外的门户网站,这是新的数字平台,它将使客户能够观看流媒体活动并远程访问公司,以根据他们的需求来探索和发现各种Marchesini Group Solutions。

Tailor-made system packaging vials

After the success of the pre-launch event, Marchesini is kicking off a new series of digital events on their latest platform:EXTRA。现在在线,第一个X Solutions详细概述了该领域的两名专家从头到尾处理小瓶的处理。

Predictive maintenance

10th June,找出预测性维护技术如何提供机会和创新的解决方案来监视机器生活。发言人Stefano Selvatici将于6月10日下午3.30(Cest-Uitalian Time)至下午4.00。单击此处login details

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