khs.and Martens Brewery Continue to Strengthen Their Partnership

Last year Belgian brewer Martens invested in KHS’ Innopack Nature MultiPack machine that forms PET bottles into stable packs with the help of dots of adhesive. It is now planning on purchasing a second NMP machine to process cans.


Innopack Nature Multi Pack

This extension makes the brewery more flexible and thus able to meet the growing market demand for environmentally-friendly packaging. The NMP project at Martens is just one example of the ever-increasing portfolio of sustainable packaging systems engineered by the Dortmund turnkey supplier.

Martens has relied on the material-saving Nature MultiPack or NMP system fromkhs.since 2020, when the long-term partners began producing film-free six-packs of PET bottles for the retail trade in a joint venture. The response to the alternative to the classic shrink-film pack was extremely positive, as brewery boss Jan Martens remembers. “We were able to convince both our customers and consumers. The great demand shows that ecofriendly packaging is very popular.” The logical conclusion for Martens was thus to then also apply the tried-and-tested KHS system to its canning operations.

PACK EXPO Las VegasandHealthcare Packaging EXPO(9月27日至29日,拉斯维加斯会议中心)将重新配置包装和加工社区,提供新产品,技术和解决方案,同时实施安全和成功的事件的最新协议。与会者注册现已开放。

由于新系统,在未来,比利时啤酒不仅能够形成宠物瓶,还可以进入稳定而易于独立的包装。这使得使用收缩薄膜或纸板多余,切割材料消耗量高达90%。“这对我们的消费者和环境有利,”Martens Martens。

虽然啤酒厂使用了一台充分满足其要求的机器,但最大输出的54,000个容器/小时,KHS现在还拥有一个用于高性能范围的InnoPack Nature Multipack机器。此进一步开发的变型可以每隔六十分钟管理最多90,000个容器 - 或者在超高空间运行时甚至108,000。


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