Harpak-ULMA Bolsters Case-Ready Packaging Program

Harpak-ULMA is increasing its investment in case-ready programs to support the growing emphasis, fueled by grocery industry shifts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on case-ready fresh food packaging.


杰伊·塞尔(Jay Siers)
杰伊·塞尔(Jay Siers)

The initiative will focus new planning, resources, and commitments to deliver the technological innovation, customer service, and end-to-end packaging solutions required to improve both value and bottom-line performance for producers of case-ready meat, poultry, and seafood.

此外,拥有35年案例就绪经验的行业老将杰伊·梅尔斯(Jay Siers)被任命为新的专家职位,以执行新倡议。

“The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the long-term shift towards omnichannel grocery sales, placing increased market pressures and demand on producers of case-ready fresh meats — which is portioned and packaged at a central processing facility rather than inside the retail store. COVID-19 continues to reshape the landscape, challenging food producers, grocery retailers, and consumers,” said Jerry Rundle,Harpak-ULMAvice president of sales.

“Case-ready producers need flexible packaging lines that deliver a better bang for the buck – and there is no OEM better positioned to deliver on this than Harpak-ULMA,” Rundle said. “Customers seeking to pivot their packaging strategy in response to market changes benefit from more flexible packaging solutions. Our expertise in that arena delivers them tangible savings, in both time and money.”

“Jay Siers' appointment as Case-Ready Specialist brings 35 years of case-ready experience and a unique skill set that will strengthen our presence in the case-ready market,” Rundle said. Siers joins Harpak-ULMA from a position as North American Sales Manager with FPEC Corp. There, he was responsible for beef and pork system sales in North America as well as select multi-national accounts.

Siers将领导在内布拉斯加州奥马哈市建立Harpak-Ulma的存在,该公司在新鲜的肉类市场上有很长的历史,并表示他在该公司的任命是“客户驱动的创新至关重要的地方”是他的35股份- 年度行业经验。Siers补充说:“那些花点时间了解其客户产品的公司提出了更好的建议并建立信任。我还知道客户认为Harpak-Ulma为他们带来了他们以前从未考虑过的新包装想法和技术。这比以往任何时候都重要。我们的行业面临着从管理劳动力流动,是增长的门控因素到实施数字化转型改进的挑战,这是全球大流行的影响加速的。我期待利用从增强现实到智能连接的机器的先进技术,以使准备就绪的生产商达到新的生产效率。” Siers说。

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