


The Marchesini Group–a designer and producer of packaging machines and lines for the pharmaceutical industry–has opened its Beauty Division with 5,000 square meters of new facilities developed at the Pianoro headquarters which will be home to offices and the production department for all of the Group’s cosmetic operations. Lorenzo Gatti, previously an engineer before becoming Group area manager will be the director of the Beauty Division’s facilities.

In addition to the Marchesini Group Beauty machines and the Dumek, Axomatic, and V2 engineering technologies–Italian brands acquired over the last three years with the aim of extending the Group’s range of systems for the packaging of cosmetics products–the Beauty Division will integrate the latest acquired company: Cosmatic, a business specializing in technologies for the production of lipstick and in fill-in cosmetic powders. Cosmatic was formed and developed in the Lombard cosmetics district: 500 businesses–concentrated in the quadrilateral between Crema, Bergamo, Milan and Brianza–which produce over half of the make-up used by women across the world.

该公司表示,其收购宇宙宇宙将使其在一段中扩大其在化妆品世界中一些最复杂的技术的细分市场的专业知识,例如加工唇膏粘贴 - 由蜡质形成的蜡质凝胶,脂肪,脂肪,脂肪,和树脂,用颜料着色,并补充了香气,抗氧化剂和一系列活性成分 - 并将其倒入凉爽的不同形状和尺寸的硅胶模具中。


Renato Ancorotti董事长Cosmetica Italia,意大利化妆品业务协会评论说:“尽管高层科迪德的增长强劲,但化妆品业务在大流行开始以来也经历了大量变化:从美容日常的扩张到更接近的绿色和可持续的焦点化妆品及其对安全问题的提高意识。根据临时数据,意大利化妆品市场在2020年的价值96亿欧元,比2019年下降了9.3%。我们认为2021年将在2022年完全恢复之前进行过渡一年。“
