Campbell Announces New Sustainable Packaging Goals

4 goals include increasing recyclability, recycled content, consumer education, and infrastructure development.

Campbell's Sustainability Graphic

Campbell Soup Company has announced new packaging sustainability goals to reduce packaging waste by keeping materials in use and out of landfills. The four goals include:

  • Transitioning 100% of its packaging to recyclable or industrially compostable designs and materials by 2030
  • Increasing the use of post-consumer recycled content and incorporating 25% post-consumer recycled content into PET bottles by 2030
  • Increasing recycling rates through standardized on-pack labeling by including the How2Recycle label on 100% of packaging by 2022
  • 扩大回收和推进velopment of its infrastructure to improve the collection and recycling of packaging through the building and investing in partnerships with peers and industry groups
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