


FDA发布了临时指导,以解决在超市和零售机构销售的壳牌鸡蛋的日益增长的消费需求。两个指导文件中的第一个地址packaging and labeling可以,因为这个行业有足够的壳鸡蛋le but not enough retail packaging appropriately labeled according to FDA requirements. Eggs typically sold directly to restaurants and other large-scale foodservice institutions can be sold on flats or in other packaging to supermarkets and other retail locations. The agency is now providing flexibility for certain information, such as the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, to be displayed at the point of purchase. Consumers may see this information displayed on a counter card, sign, or tag rather than directly on the packaging.

另一个行动FDA正在进行,提供通常将被送往加工的鸡蛋产品的鸡蛋制作商 - 通常用于餐馆 - 销售鸡蛋的灵活性在某些条件存在时销售给零售地点(如超市)。在其临时政策下,FDA还为壳蛋提供了通常将进一步加工成液体整个鸡蛋,例如液体整个鸡蛋的壳蛋的灵活性,当满足某些条件时,将直接出售给液体整个鸡蛋。可以在此找到有关此临时策略的其他信息guidance

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