Watch for Multi-Factory Serialization at Healthcare Packaging EXPO

During the October 14-17 event in Chicago, a series of partner companies will combine to portray a multi-factory serialization scenario.

During Healthcare Packaging EXPO, real-time reports from several machines running simultaneously will demonstrate global connectivity and showcase serialized production in various modes at different locations, as well as distribution of resulting data. The multi-factory environment will include hypothetical sGlobal Location Numbers (GLNs) sent to hypothetical GLNs representing specific Original Equipment Manufacturers. The scenario will utilize Adents Seriza, which provides serialization and aggregation flexibility and scalability for pharmaceutical manufacturers and packagers. Adents, a provider of serialization and track-and-trace products, will demonstrate a variety of offerings at its booth, W-820. Partner companies involved are Omega Design Corp. (at booth S-3714) and Pineberry Manufacturing (at booth S-1432). Adents Seriza comprises two primary tools: • Adents Supervisor, installed on a central server at site-level, manages and distributes serialized codes. All line configurations are handled at the site level, leading to quick implementation and scalability, while reducing the effort to revalidate lines when changes are made. • At the line level, Adents Pilot drives the printing of unit codes and controls their conformity. Pilot directs printing and vision systems and manages communication with line equipment to deliver a customer’s choice of item-level serialization, item-to-bundle aggregation, bundle-to-case aggregation, or case-to-pallet aggregation.
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