Each year,ProFood Worldrecognizes outstanding food and beverage processing and packaging innovation projects with its Manufactuing Innovation Awards.
The types of projects eligible for the award include:
- Major plant expansion
- Major plant renovation
- Greenfield facility
- 布朗菲尔德设施
- Major line expansion incorporating ground-breaking technology
- Major plant automation upgrades
- 主要植物食品安全升级
- 主要工厂可持续性升级
- Overall plant efficiency upgrades
Projects completed from June 2018 to December 2019 are eligible to enter. Entries must be based on a single plant location.
For more information about submitting an entry and to view video presentations from past food and beverage manufacturing company winners, visithttps://www.profoodworld.com/awards/mia.
Manufacturing Innovation Awards Past Winners
Royal Cup Coffee and Tea
HP Hood
Just Born
Dairy Farmers of America
Clemens Food Group
Caito Foods
Castellini Group
Morada Nut Company