
This year’s chosen color communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking that points toward the future.

Ultra Violet暗示了Cosmos的奥秘,未来的阴谋以及我们现在所处的发现。
Ultra Violet暗示了Cosmos的奥秘,未来的阴谋以及我们现在所处的发现。

Pantone,a wholly owned subsidiary of X-Rite, Inc. and provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions, has announced Pantone 18-3838 Ultra Violet as the Pantone Color of the Year for 2018. Says Pantone, a dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade, Pantone18-3838 Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking that points toward the future.

“我们生活在需要创造力和想象力的时代。Pantone18-3838 Ultra Violet是这种创造性的灵感,这是一种蓝色的紫色,它使我们的意识和潜力更高。“从探索新技术和更大的银河系到艺术表达和精神反思,直观的Ultra Violet为尚未发生的事情照亮了。”

该公司补充说,Ultra Violet的复杂而沉思,暗示了宇宙的奥秘,未来的事物的阴谋以及我们现在所处的发现。巨大而无限的夜空是可能的事情,并继续激发追求我们超越自己的世界的愿望。

As Pantone notes, enigmatic purples have also long been symbolic of counterculture, unconventionality, and artistic brilliance. Musical icons Prince, David Bowie, and Jimi Hendrix brought shades of Ultra Violet to the forefront of western pop culture as personal expressions of individuality. Nuanced and full of emotion, the depth of Pantone 18-3838 Ultra Violet symbolizes experimentation and non-conformity, spurring individuals to imagine their unique mark on the world and push boundaries through creative outlets.

Historically, there has been a mystical or spiritual quality attached to Ultra Violet, Pantone adds. The color is often associated with mindfulness practices, which offer a higher ground to those seeking refuge from today’s over-stimulated world. The use of purple-toned lighting in meditation spaces and other gathering places energizes the communities that gather there and inspire connection.

“年度的Pantone颜色的意义远不止于设计领域的'趋势';这确实反映了当今世界上需要的东西。” Pantone Color Institute副总裁Laurie Pressman说。“随着世界各地的个人变得更加着迷,并意识到其传达深度信息和含义的能力时,设计师和品牌应该有能力使用色彩来激发和影响力。一年的颜色是一个时刻,为趋势和设计世界提供了战略方向,反映了Pantone Color Institute的全年作品为设计师和品牌做同样的工作。”

Says Pantone, as packaging design becomes more sophisticated, Ultra Violet offers complexity and nuance that appeals to our desire for originality in all that we touch. Similarly, in graphic design, Ultra Violet resonates with this dynamic medium through its multidimensional feeling. Shades of Ultra Violet are increasingly used in packaging and graphic design by forward-looking brands in the consumer packaged goods, luxury, and beauty worlds as well as by personalities and artists seeking to stand out.

根据Pantone的说法,年度选择过程的颜色需要周到的考虑和趋势分析。为了每年进行选择,Pantone的Pantone Color Institute的颜色专家梳理了世界,以寻找新的颜色影响。这可以包括娱乐行业和制作中的电影,旅行艺术收藏和新艺术家,时尚,设计领域,流行的旅行目的地以及新的生活方式,游戏风格和社会经济条件。影响也可能源于影响颜色,相关社交媒体平台以及即将举行的体育赛事的新技术,材料,纹理和效果,这些活动吸引了全球关注。

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