
Your boilerplate packaging machinery specs could inadvertently be driving up the cost of your packaging machinery purchases.

That subject was the topic of集会杂志在2003年10月号中的封面故事。


This reminded me of an interview I conducted with Mel Bahr in late 2002, president of MGS Machine and then-chairman of PMMI. He has seen many times the dreaded standard specification document that specifies, for example, "a certain brand of crimp-on connector onto a wire. Is that really necessary, and does it really help the performance of the machine? Probably not." Bahr said it’s clear that boilerplate spec documents are extremely common.


Check out the集会杂志文章。它包括编写标准规范,涵盖目的,设备性能,设备配置,建造者性能,可交付成果和验证的出色轮廓。该轮廓很容易适应包装机械。
