Pepperl+Fuchs介绍ENI58PL配置可配置的增量旋转编码器 - 一个编码器,许多应用程序



The newly released ENI58PL series incremental rotary encoder from Pepperl+Fuchs offers incredible efficiency for a wide range of applications. IO-Link enablescustom configuration, making it possible to commission machinery and equipment even faster. ENI58PL boasts flexible configuration options and a wide range of use cases-from classic industrial applications, such asprecise positioningin theautomotive industryand applications inwind power plants, tospecial engineering.



This standardization saves time and reduces stocking costs. A variety of shaft, flange, and output options make the ENI58PL a comprehensive solution. The incremental rotary encoder can beconfigured via Pepperl+Fuchs SmartBridge® and app, IO-Link master, or offline via PACTware.The standardized interface requires no manufacturer-specific software.Existing hardware and software can be usedto define the following parameters:

  • 短和长电缆长度的电压输出水平,每个频率高或低频率(HTL或TTL)
  • Counting direction that can be adapted to the application
  • 每个旋转的脉冲计数可以根据所需的分辨率每旋转1到16,384脉冲

Precision in Demanding Conditions


Highlights of the Incremental Rotary Encoder ENI58PL include:

  • 标准化的IO-Link接口,可轻松,灵活的配置
  • 品种减少 - 可以将一种设备用于多种应用
  • 可以通过Pepperl+Fuchs SmartBridge和App,IO-Link Master或Pactware完成配置
  • Reliable signal transmission even in demanding conditions
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