Establishment of a CLPA Working Group on Industrial Ethernet Security


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CC-Link IE Security Working Group (WG)

Both physical and cyber security measures have to be considered for plant security. In general, one measure is insufficient and the “defense in depth” concept, combining multiple measures, needs to be contemplated.

System security architecture

Physical access control

Industrial network security access control, integrity, and confidentiality

Security monitoring

Scope of the CLPA Security WG

CLPA安全WG的第一步专注于网络安全,特别是当用户采用无缝消息协议(SLMP)和CC-Link IE字段基本时,其中一般IP通信用于循环和瞬态通信。将创建安全网络设计的指南文档。指南文件将基于IEC62443,包括深度安全方法的防御。还描述了Secure SLMP和CC-Link配置示例的路由器/交换机配置示例也描述了字段基本。

Overview of Industrial network security

Security concerns viewpoint for industrial networks

Defense-in-depth security approach

Use-case examples

Participating Companies

The CC-Link Partner Association Ethernet Security Working Group includes participation from Cisco Systems, Hilscher, Mitsubishi Electric, HMS, Belden-Hirschmann, MOXA, Panduit and MIND.

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