Mynah Technologies宣布与动态警报管理领导者Prosys的战略合作伙伴关系增强,以将操作员培训和认证服务带入流程行业,特别是海湾成本和欧洲的石化和精炼。Mynah和Prosys于2014年9月宣布了他们的原始合作伙伴关系。
看: ”The Role of Dynamic Simulation in Procedural Automation/State Based Control and Modern Controls透明
Mynah Technologies总裁兼首席运营官Mart Berutti说:“我们很高兴能加深与Prosys的合作关系。”“生命周期动态模拟和模仿的模拟可以通过动态警报管理和高级流程控制来改善工厂运营方面的行业领导。达斯汀·贝贝(Dustin Beebe)是自动化行业中有远见的声音,我们很荣幸与他和他的才华横溢的团队合作。”
MYNAH will now have a Gulf Coast Sales & Service office located within ProSys’ Baton Rouge, LA and Houston, TX offices, as well as a European Sales & Service office located within ProSys’ Hurth, Germany office.
“我们很高兴有八哥facil现场ities worldwide,” commented Dustin Beebe, President and CEO of ProSys. “This provides a great environment for collaboration and improvement of our operator excellence solutions. These simulations help to keep plants safe by providing much needed training for operators in advance of any incidents that can occur, especially during startup and shutdown. Our Dynamic Alarm Management solution also aids the operator in critical modes of plant operation. MYNAH’s Dynamic Simulation compliments our Procedural Automation and Dynamic Alarm Management Solutions from design through testing and operator training. This is especially true in transition of state situations, such as large disturbances, which is when the operator needs the alarm system the most, and the plant is at most risk.”