Turning Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) concepts into reality for manufacturing enterprises will be a key topic at Honeywell (NYSE: HON) Process Solutions’ (HPS) 28th annual Honeywell Users Group (HUG) for Europe, Middle East, Africa and India regions.
“Actionable paths to adapting IIoT solutions are not a thing of the future, they are here now and are helping manufacturers transform their operations today,” said Vimal Kapur, president of HPS. “When Honeywell first invented the distributed control system (DCS) more than four decades ago, it gave manufacturers the ability to better use data to operate their plants more safely and productively. The amount of data generated from today’s facilities is exponentially larger and the IIoT is allowing manufacturers to efficiently manage, gather and analyze that data across multiple operations and plants to transform entire enterprises.”
Hundreds of Honeywell technology users from across the oil and gas, chemical, pulp and paper and metals and mining sectors will be attending HUG, which began today. The event will feature technology displays along with dozens of Honeywell- and customer-led sessions and technical discussions.
的有限公司nference will feature three daily themes:
·下一步:正确的技术,现在 - 第一天将重点关注当今可用的新技术如何推动运营效率,生产率和最终收入增长的提高。
· Find Opportunity: Win in a Volatile Marketplace – Day 2 will examine how to take advantage of technology and services to improve reliability, safety, compliance and productivity in a time of low oil prices, increasing globalization and political instability.
· Embrace Change: Engage and Empower the Next Generation – Day 3 looks at how the right environment, training and tools can unleash the power of the smart, tech-savvy and collaborative millennial workforce.
KRC Research进行的霍尼韦尔委员会调查发现,大约三分之二的受访者认为数据分析可以帮助解决重要的操作问题,例如设备故障,计划外的停机时间和供应链管理。同时,将近一半的人说他们不完全了解IIOT的潜在好处。
卡普尔说:“管理运营的数字化转型是许多公司的问号 - 如何利用IIOT增加现有资产的生产并提高流程安全,可靠性,安全性和可持续性。”“今年的议程反映了拥抱客户主导的指导委员会对自动化行业的重要挑战。”
In addition to the IIoT, attendees will experience many of Honeywell’s newest industrial automation technologies including:
· Natural gas measurement: Honeywell’s new IIoT-ready gas measurement and data management solutions for gas transmission and distribution from the wellhead to the burner tip includes the Elster®Precision Solutions line of gas metering products. Featured products at HUG will include the EC 350 PTZ Gas Volume Corrector, Honeywell Elster Rotary Gas Meter, the Cloud Link 4G Modem, MasterLink and PowerSpring®.
· Data acquisition and analytics: The expanded Uniformance® Suite software provides real-time digital intelligence through advanced process and event data collection, asset-centric analytics and powerful visualization technology, turning plant data into actionable information to enable smart operations. This solution is a backbone for the IIoT by Honeywell.
· Virtualization: Honeywell introduces the Next Generation Premium Platform for Experion® Virtualization Solutions. Leveraging blade server technology, it delivers advanced virtualization capabilities including fault tolerance, automatic host recovery and upgrades with zero operational disruption. It features a longer lifecycle, reduced facility footprint and remote management capabilities in a package that is pre-configured to reduce deployment time.
· Industrial cyber security: For more than a decade, Honeywell’s Industrial Cyber Security business has focused on securing critical infrastructure in an increasingly networked world. Honeywell will showcase its Industrial Cyber Security Risk Manager, a solution that provides a single view for operations, IT and leadership teams to monitor, measure and manage cyber security across the enterprise. The team will also demonstrate its new Secure Media Exchange (SMX), which gives operators unprecedented control and visibility into the secure use of USB and removable storage by personnel and contractors alike, reducing cyber risk to process control networks globally.
· Control: ControlEdgeTM PLC, the first IIoT-ready controller, is part of Honeywell’s next generation of controllers providing unprecedented connectivity through all levels of process and business operations. When combined with Experion®, ControlEdge PLC provides secure connectivity and tight integration to devices from multiple vendors and works with any SCADA system.
·迁移:与所需的自动化硬件和软件升级保持一致,在良好的经济期间可能具有挑战性,而在困难时期,基本上不可能。作为流程行业的首个整体服务计划,Honeywell Evolution Services是一项创新的多年服务协议,与工厂的自动化路线图保持一致,可以帮助工厂管理所需的迁移,而无需传统的CAPEX支出。霍尼韦尔进化服务至关重要的是霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)的新型跟踪工具,用于配置数据和变更管理工具。该工具对对植物控制系统的更改进行了实时可见性,并能够监视和映射这些变化的效果,这些更改可以证明ROI。
的有限公司nference agenda also includes a number of presentations and panel discussions from Honeywell customers Lukoil, Shell, Saudi Aramco, British Sugar, Sabic, Marathon Oil, and others. Presentations will feature topics such as cost-effective control system migrations, instrumentation, advanced data analytics and project execution.
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