Honeywell announced it will provide its Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS) automation controls and tank gauging systems for Finland’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal to efficiently supply natural gas to marine vessels and industrial facilities in Finland, helping to replace other fuels that have higher emissions.
Additionally, Honeywell’s Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI) will connect and power comfort, safety and security systems within the terminal itself, creating a productive environment for workers. With tight integration between Experion PKS and EBI, operators will have one interface to access and manage all process and facility technology, which improves site-wide visibility and efficiency.
“霍尼韦尔的技术提供Skangas Oy一体化解决方案,这将有助于使他们的新设施能够从第一天开始,”Honeywell Process Solutions和自动化解决方案业务部总经理副总裁兼总经理Pieter Krynauw说。“这种完全集成的技术将帮助终端通过准确和准确地信息,精确测量技术,安全性和安全性最大化其运营。
This will be the third LNG terminal for Skangas, one of the largest suppliers of small-scale LNG in the Nordic countries. The company operates similar facilities in Sweden and Norway to provide customers with natural gas for shipping, industrial and heavy-duty land transport needs. The Pori LNG terminal will have a capacity of 30,000 cubic meters and will be completed in the second half of 2016. Honeywell’s tank gauging systems will be used on tanks provided through the Spanish engineering company FCC Industrial E. Infraestructuras Energeticas S.A.U.
“Demand for LNG in Finland continues to rise for industrial, shipping and heavy-duty land transport companies,” said Tommy Mattila, Sales and Marketing director, Skangas. “It is critical that this terminal operates at the highest level of efficiency.”
Honeywell technologies that will be used at the facility include:
- Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS), the heart of the Integrated Control and Safety Systems (ICSS), which offers more than traditional distributed control systems (DCS) by unifying people with process, business requirements and asset management by enabling integration of all process control, safety systems and automation software
- Enterprise Buildings Integrator(EBI)是一个建筑管理系统,提供单点访问创新信息和资源,有助于监控,控制和保护设施。EBI将在新Skangas Oy终端连接火灾探测,入侵检测,访问控制,视频监控和加热和冷却设备,并与Experion PKS无缝共享数据
- 终端管理器在散装液体终端上自动化所有操作,包括关键监控和控制功能,如产品收据,栅极访问控制和加载
- 安全管理器集成了过程安全数据,应用程序,系统诊断和关键控制策略,并在完全冗余的架构中执行定义的安全应用程序
- Smartradar Flexline是霍尼韦尔的高端雷达坦克仪表之一,用于评估罐内容,罐库存和坦克农场管理
- 便携式enjaf终端是一种便携式设备,无论天气或操作条件如何,都可以访问和读取霍尼韦尔·纳税坦克仪表
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