Yokogawa Electric Corporation宣布延长与BP为BP提供主要自动化承包商服务(MAC服务)到BP的上游实体。随着本协议的更新,BP和Yokogawa重申了他们共同承诺,以实现共同成功,并通过提供Mac服务来确保卓越的长期价值。
全球协议所涵盖的横川产品和服务包括Centum VP综合生产控制系统,ProSafe-RS安全仪表系统,STARDOM网络的控制系统,工厂资源管理器(PRM)工厂资产管理包,FAST / TOOLS SCADA软件,exaseries生产力解决方案软件,现场无线等类型的现场仪器,分析仪,项目管理和系统集成工程服务,以及操作和维护服务。
Shuji Mori, a Yokogawa Vice President and President of Yokogawa Electric International, a subsidiary that oversees Yokogawa’s IA and control business outside Japan, had the following to say about this agreement: “BP has been a Yokogawa customer for many years, and this agreement takes our relationship to a new level and underscores BP’s commitment to safe and reliable operations. This long-term partnership with BP will increase our presence in the oil and gas industry, which is one of the main sectors we are targeting under the Transformation 2017 mid-term business plan.”