3D Printing Moves into the Manufacturing Mainstream

Long viewed as a design and testing tool, 3D printing is quickly moving into regular manufacturing operations as evidenced by recent announcements from Renishaw and Stratysys.

Normal's customized, 3D printed headphones. Source: Normal
Normal's customized, 3D printed headphones. Source: Normal

For years the talk around 3D printing/additive manufacturing has been about how it will, one day soon, transform the manufacturing industry. Though the full transformation has not yet arrived, the process of moving 3D technology out of purely prototyping applications and lab development and into the manufacturing process has definitely begun.

Two recent announcements highlight the ongoing transition: 1) The use of 3D printers from Stratasys to produce customized earphones on a mass scale; and 2) TÜV SÜD certification for Renishaw’s AM250 laser melting machine designed for use in manufacturing environments.

Custom earphone manufacturerNormal正在使用Stratasys公司3D printers for mass customization of its earphones. Normal’s earphones are customized to fit each user’s ear and can typically be delivered anywhere in the U.S. within two days. The company uses 10 StratasysFortus 250MC 3D打印机to manufacture custom parts for the earphones usingFDM 3D printing technology. The 3D printed part of the earphones is made withABSplus thermoplasticand is available in seven colors. Each pair of earphones is engineered, 3Dprinted, assembled and shipped at Normal’s flagship retail store in New York City.

Creating more of an impact on the traditional manufacturing space isRenishaw’s announcement that is has obtained a compliance certificate fromTÜV SÜD为此AM250 laser melting machine. Renishaw points out that this machine is “intended to help 3D printing evolve from being considered an emerging technology, reserved for design and testing, into a mainstream manufacturing tool.”


The AM250 laser melting or metal 3D printing machine uses anytterbium纤维激光器融合细金属粉末以形成功能性3维零件。据报道,该机器可以生产各种结构,从可植入的医疗设备到复杂的航空航天几何形状。可以将各种材料用于产品,包括不同等级的不锈钢或铝,钛和钴铬合金。

You can learn more about how 3D printing/additive manufacturing will impact the manufacturing industries—from product development to intellectual property rights—by attending2015年自动化会议, May 19-20, 2015.

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