Yokogawa Releases CENTUM VP R5.04 Integrated Production Control System with Enhanced Alarm and Batch Functions

横川电气公司宣布发布Centum VP R5.04,这是该公司旗舰集成生产控制系统的增强版本。


AW 26132 Centum VP PR1116

横川电气公司宣布发布Centum VP R5.04,这是该公司旗舰集成生产控制系统的增强版本。这个新的Centum发行版具有增强的警报和批处理功能。

百VP R5.04的发展结果of a steady effort to improve this system, which is the cornerstone of Yokogawa’s IA business’s VigilantPlant® vision. R5.04’s enhanced alarm function improves operational safety, and the enhanced batch function meets specific requirements of industries, such as specialty chemical, which is being targeted under Yokogawa’s Evolution 2015 mid-term business plan.

With the CENTUM system, a prominently colored tag mark is displayed on the HMI screen next to any measurement reading that falls outside the normal range. With CENTUM VP R5.04, these colored tag marks now come in a variety of easily recognizable shapes that indicate the importance of a measurement item and the severity of an anomaly (critical, high risk, medium risk, low risk, etc.).


2. Highly efficient batch process engineering
使用批处理过程*1制造,必须为每种产品定义配方*2。配方由一个过程和公式组成:该过程是对将要使用的特定过程(例如饲料和温度控制)的描述,而该公式则指定饲料量,温度等。尽管通常单独定义过程和公式,但如果可以在同一屏幕上一起定义两者,则在某些批处理应用中是有利的。Centum VP R5.04批处理功能通过添加此功能增强了,这使最终用户可以有效地执行每种定义方法所需的工程。



*1 A widely used process in the chemical pharmaceutical, and other industries by which fixed quantities of a product are produced through the injection of feedstocks in a predetermined order and the mixing of these materials to produce a desired reaction (such as polymerization). Equipment settings and procedures are defined for each product.

*2 This defines the manufacturing process for a specific product, specifying the requirements for items such as equipment, formulas, and procedures.

Future Development
以Centum为核心平台,横川继续改善其所有生产控制系统。目前,横川正在根据以下四个概念开发下一代Centum VP:用于安全且高产的工厂运营的超直觉操作,用于有效的所有仪器工程的总自动化管理,这是一个智能工厂导体,可优化一项优化的操作整个工厂以最低成本,以及在整个生命周期中保持较高效率的可持续植物。


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