
Heidenhain最新版本的基于PC的Quadra-Chek Metrology软件为质量控制检验测量机提供了高级功能。


Heidenhain最新版本的基于PC的Quadra-Chek Metrology软件为质量控制检验测量机提供了高级功能。该版本的3.0.0软件发布的Quadra-Chek IK 5000已经提出了一些改进,可以方便地执行2-D和3-D测量任务,在计量领域带来较新的技术和改造能力给用户。

This powerful IK 5000 inspection package builds upon Heidenhain’s quality and the original Metronics QUADRA-CHECK QC5000 software by introducing the ability to run on Windows 7 64-bit operating systems, and has added support for a new Analog Frame Grabber DALSA PC2 express card as a successor to the original DALSA Bandit 2 frame grabber. The new DALSA PC2 will provide analog Video Edge Detection tools and images on Windows XP as well as Window 7 PCs. For users of digital cameras, HEIDENHAIN has employed an output of a camera hardware trigger to synchronize axis position with the image. Access to the Video Properties menu is no longer hidden and is now available to the user interface. This offers the ability to direct the required parameters to the DirectShow Windows interface.

CMM用户可以使用3-D轮廓功能,通过多传感器和触觉测量机提供3-D轮廓的测量和图形评估。此选项用于轮廓测量,能够导入3-D CAD文件(STEP或IGES),并将其与实际测量的部件进行比较。对DCC三坐标测量机垂直于表面的测点的三维剖面特征进行了改进。支持设置二-四和六架探测器机架现在也可用。

为了回应对附加功能和改进的要求,Heidenhain在IK 5000 3.0.0版本中增加了大约30个新功能和40个改进。这些附加功能包括支持ISO 286-2公差,在零件程序中将测量点导入二维轮廓,矩形特征的测量,以及葡萄牙语选项。

