When it comes to leak testing, modern manufacturing requires flexible and fail safe systems, which is the topic of a new design report from InterTech Development Company.
Automotive, industrial and medical applications are renowned for the use of flexible automation such as robots and machine vision for improved time-to-market and quality; however, some parts just cannot ship without leak testing.
Intertech开发公司总统雅克·霍夫曼(Jacques Hoffmann)评论说:“在质量控制方面,您想要的最后一件事是泄漏测试中的瓶颈。这就是为什么要拥有Intertech开创的快速变化技术如此重要的原因。在泄漏测试系统和仪器中,无法替代内置适应性,以确保按时生产和交付。”
Another key concern is traceability. This means leak-testing technology must be easy to integrate with standard bar code readers and have Ethernet capability. As highlighted in the InterTech design report (DR-131), other considerations for investment include multi-functional instruments that double as fixture controls.
- 快速吞吐量,短期和零件品种的泄漏测试
- Quality control technology for current and future products
- Error proof design for quick-change fixtures and instruments
- Ethernet capability and ability to change and customize test sequences
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