Campbell's Soup, Coca-Cola Join Roster of Expert Presenters at The Automation Conference

第二届工程和管理专业人士的年度会议还包括来自百事可乐,佩里戈和Nova Chemicals的用户演示者,以及炼油厂运营,制造IT和网络安全的专家。

(左)汤姆·布雷迪奇(Tom Braydich),坎贝尔汤;(右)悬崖佩德森,西北红水合作伙伴关系
(左)汤姆·布雷迪奇(Tom Braydich),坎贝尔汤;(右)悬崖佩德森,西北红水合作伙伴关系

The Automation Conference, presented by Summit Media Group (publisher of Automation World) recently welcomed several new speakers to its second annual conference. Designed for engineering and management professionals within discrete manufacturing, packaging, and continuous and batch processing, The Automation Conference 2013 will be held May 14-15, at the Chicago Marriott O’Hare.

Tom Braydich(pictured), Director of Controls and Maintenance Systems Engineering at Campbell Soup Company, has joined the speaker line-up to discuss “Capturing Process Data to Improve Manufacturing Performance.”

带来石油精炼的专业知识,Cliff Pedersen(如图),西北红水合作伙伴关系(NWR)的CIO将讨论连续流程行业中控件和企业系统之间数据交换的最佳实践。(NWR是加拿大艾伯塔省一家新炼油厂的建筑物和未来运营的合作伙伴)。

Kailash Mariappan,plant controls specialist and senior controls engineer at Coca-Cola, returns to The Automation Conference this spring to share his company's experiences using cloud computing for automation system maintenance.

Eric Byres,被认为是Tofino Security在SCADA安全和CTO/VP工程领域的全球领先专家之一,将涵盖顶级自动化安全问题。

也是Mitch Free,the founder of, the online manufacturing marketplace for made-to-order parts. Free will share his vision in a keynote on “The Next Industrial Revolution.”

也是well-known author and manufacturing automation, operations and IT consultantDennis Brandl.Referencing his new book,Plant IT: Integrating Information Technology into Automated Manufacturing, Brandl will educate attendees on best practices for applying IT in industry.

这些专业人士加入了先前宣布的Pepsico宣布的演讲者,专用标签制药制造商Perrigo,Control System Integrators Association,Ken's Foods,Nova Chemicals,总部位于芝加哥的Skolnik Industries,Altera等。

