Invensys Operations Management在北美开始,Invensys Operations Management在其主要区域宣布了一系列全球用户事件,而不是单一的年度用户组会议。该系列将包括专门针对公司主要品牌的产品和解决方案用户的个人会议:Avantis,Foxboro,Simsci-Esscor,Triconex和Wonderware。技术会议为工程师和运营商提供机会,讨论技术,解决方案和最佳实践,以帮助他们优化其现有资产,同时清除其运营现代化的成本效益途径。
The North America events kick off with a Foxboro User Group meeting, being held at the Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Mass., August 13 through August 17. A Wonderware and an Avantis meeting will be held October 10 and 11 at the Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim, Calif. An event for users of the company’s Triconex products and solutions will be held October 21 through October 23 at the San Luis Hotel in Galveston, Texas. Additional meetings for users of the company’s SimSci-Esscor and Wonderware IntelaTrac products will be held later this year In Houston, Texas. The venue and dates for those events will be announced in the coming weeks.
Foxboro用户组会议将包括演示,实践培训和示范涵盖升级计划,生命周期管理和新功能等主题。该活动还将有几个由客户领导的小组会议,专注于特定的垂直行业(化学品;食品和饮料;碳氢化合物加工;采矿,金属和矿物质;药品;电力;上游油气;和水和废水),以及网络安全,虚拟化,智能编组,Foxboro 100系列升级和其他几个会话。超过40个不同的会话将几乎涵盖了企业控制的各个方面,从工业和业务解决方案到仪器仪表和过程控制和安全。
Wonderware和Avantis Users Group会议将包括介绍和实践培训和示范,包括高性能可视化,虚拟化,移动解决方案,EAM,MES,SCADA和合作伙伴解决方案等主题。该活动还将为客户至上的支持计划和企业客户集成Wonderware技术支持研讨会。
“Our North America user group meetings are an opportunity for our customers to discuss, learn about and accelerate their journey toward modernization and optimization using systems and software solutions from Invensys Operations Management,” said Gary Staunch, general manager,Invensys Operations Management, North America. “The conferences are specifically designed to meet our customers’ technical and business needs, so content will be rich with solutions, product information and best practices focused on helping our users optimize their existing assets while paving a clear, cost-effective path to the future.”
波士顿和阿纳海姆的主题演讲者将包括公司总统和首席执行官Mike Caliel。有关的更多信息2012年Invensys Foxboro用户组会议and to register.
Invensys Operations Management Announces User Events