
Automate remote equipment management and reporting with a new connectivity device.

一组技术供应商一直在努力在称为机器到机器或M2M的市场段中自动互相沟通的机器的有效手段。其中一些解决方案包括从串行到以太网的网络协议转换器,以便在较新的制造网络上启用旧设备。根据Irvine,加利福尼亚州的,网络组件供应商Lantronix Inc.,客户推动通过降低从其资产销售Lantronix获取信息的复杂性来寻找竞争优势,以开发设备服务器以填补需求。

Intellibox-I / O 2100完全可编程的外部设备服务器可自动管理管理远程设备和相关报告的任务。该设备使客户能够将设备连接到Internet协议(IP)网络,以便在实时监视和响应事件,而没有人为干预。


Raising the bar

“全自动远程设备管理和控制始终是M2M的最终目标,”旧金山分析师专门从事空间的旧金山分析师公司港口研究总裁Glen Allmendinger。“随着Intellibox的出现,Lantronix首先提供了这一承诺,并准备抓住全新的令人信服的应用机会。他们的最新创新标志着下一代设备网络解决方案,真正提高了所有其他人将被判断的竞争酒吧。“

Because the incoming data can be sent via email or RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, hundreds of devices can be simultaneously monitored from one single RSS-enabled Web page or from a user’s e-mail client. With Lantronix EventTrak’s device monitoring, response and control functionality, incoming data can be scanned for specific information. The IntelliBox can automatically recognize the type of event and apply the appropriate response, such as flagging an alerting e-mail as “important” and/or directly interacting with the attached machine or other applications. Users no longer must sift through hundreds of e-mails and/or manually interact with the attached device.



The IntelliBox includes an embedded rules/policy engine that allows customers to easily identify a specific chain of events and corresponding actions to be taken by defining a “Chain Definition." These Chain Definitions require no complex user scripting and are defined by a set of user input fields and pull-down menus. Chain Definitions can be saved, stored and/or transferred from one IntelliBox to another, streamlining the deployment of large installations.


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