Manufacturing Line Optimization at Rich Products

总部位于纽约州布法罗的富裕产品詹姆斯·沃伦(James Whalen)运营部门的负责人詹姆斯·沃伦(James Whalen)利用周二上午的食品和饮料会议来描述他的公司如何 - 甜点,海鲜,面团和浇头的制造商,主要用于餐饮服务和店内。面包店渠道 - 已经在20植物的110条线上实施了制造线优化(MLO)。

Rich Products Operations Development Leader James Whalen described how his company has been implementing Manufacturing Line Opti
Rich Products Operations Development Leader James Whalen described how his company has been implementing Manufacturing Line Opti


他们选择的工具是MLO,它由Invensys的Wonderware Performance软件提供动力,其功能为收集,跟踪和通信实时设备性能和效率信息提供了软件解决方案。他的演讲的观察包括以下内容:

植物有高度投入工人,但丰富的公关oducts needed to engage them from the neck up if MLO had any chance of succeeding.


"We wanted better and more frequent data. You can't drive improvement across the organization otherwise."


- 我们没有足够的时间。
- 植物中的前线人员被脱离。
- Training is ineffective.
- 交叉功能支持不足。
- 错误的项目是有机会成功的项目。
- Inadequate organizational focus-senior-level support is difficult to get when priorities change frequently.

Front-line buy-in is crucial. Don't rely exclusively on a champion from the corporate office. But at the same time, don't let the front-line people do it on their own. It won't get done. Or, like a rubber band, it will stretch back to its original pre-MLO condition. The goal is a good champion from the corporate office combined with buy-in from the front-line people in the plant.

70 percent of today's manufactured goods will be obsolete in six years. That places tremendous stress on manufacturing efficiency because new products are constantly on their way in. But this must be coped with. It is the way the world is going and it isn't going to change. And oh, by the way, it makes MLO more important than ever.

In the North American marketplace, the only way a company like Rich Products can gain market share is by taking it from someone else. The heady days of growth seen in the 1980s are a thing of the past. Once again, this is why optimal productivity must be pursued relentlessly.


- 意识到需要变革的需求
- 渴望参加
- 了解如何影响变化
- 实现变革的能力
- Reinforcement, recognition, and auditing are essential


通过实施Wonderware Performance软件,丰富的产品从在纸上手动捕获数据的地方从一个地方捕获,报告是“ cadaverous”的,成为数据收集是一个具有技术支持的功能,可产生清晰,可操作的报告和易于做的函数分析。根本原因分析现在更加清晰。
