
Invensys Operations Management executives explained the reality and vision of Enterprise Control Systems (ECS) and InFusion during the opening keynotes of OpsManage'10 on Tuesday, Oct. 19. Speaking to a larger than anticipated crowd that exceeded 1,200, speakers explained ECS as a platform that allows integration with many different Invensys systems and products, as well as those from third parties.

北美Invensys运营管理总裁史蒂夫·布莱尔(Steve Blair)开始了一项商业审查的会议。布莱尔说:“在一年多的时间内,我们将九个头等舱品牌汇总到了一家公司,该公司具有为客户带来价值的解决方案。”目前,公司并不是在花钱,而总体而言,公司持有自1964年以来最高现金储备。“他们开始投资,但要谨慎。”布莱尔指出。“一件事,我们注意到客户说他们真正需要信息。”布莱尔随后宣布了会议主题:“真正的合作,实时结果”。

The point of ECS is to close the "control gap" between strategy and execution, or put another way by Invensys Operations Management President and Chief Executive Officer Sudipta Bhattacharya, "It's time to close the profit control loop."


The key is to integrate all the levels of the enterprise. Bhattacharya noted the company's challenge is how well it can put the pieces together better and faster than the competition. "That is our journey," he said.

Information without context is useless. Bhattacharya pointed to the Skelta acquisition which has led to ArchestrA Workflow—a technology that adds actionable context to plant information.

Grant Le Sueur, director of InFusion Product Marketing, demonstrated a scenario of a leaking control valve to show some of the ECS value. The leaking valve could lead to potential loss of production, profitability or even potential danger.

Using SimSci-Esscor Dynsim, Foxboro I/A Series distributed control systems (DCS), Wonderware InTouch, Avantis Pro & CM, Wonderware IntelaTrac and ArchestrA Workflow from Invensys plus integration to SAP, Le Sueur showed how the integrated solution delivers consistent operational integrity, a full audit trail for traceability, control excellence and asset excellence, plus involvement of all plant and business stakeholders to solve both plant and business problems.

A demonstration of a proof-of-concept for cloud computing for ECS showed that Invensys is poised to help customers exploit this new technology when customers are ready to leap into it. Some benefits would be ease of getting information from multiple sites for corporate decision making or assisting engineering best practices standardization across multiple sites.