Manufacturing Growth Continues, While Survey Shows Weak Jobs Outlook


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The report was issued by Norbert J. Ore, CPSM, C.P.M., chair of the供应管理学院(ISM, Business Survey Committee. “The制造业grew during October, with both new orders and production making significant gains. Since hitting a peak in April, the trend for manufacturing has been toward slower growth. However, this month’s report signals a continuation of the recovery that began 15 months ago, and its strength raises expectations for growth in the balance of the quarter. Survey respondents note the recovery in autos, computers and exports as key drivers of this growth. Concerns about inventory growth are lessened by the improvement in new orders during October. With 14 of 18 industries reporting growth in October, manufacturing continues to outperform the other sectors of the economy,” Ore said.


Among other results, the ISM also reported growth in manufacturing employment. ISM’s Employment Index registered 57.7 percent in October, which is 1.2 percentage points higher than the 56.5 percent reported in September. This is the 11th consecutive month of growth in制造业就业, the ISM said.


Despite these numbers, however, the results of a national survey of U.S. manufacturing financial executives released on Nov. 2 painted a less optimistic outlook. According to the survey, conducted by格兰特·桑顿有限公司(,Grant Thornton International Ltd的美国会员公司,只有18%的制造受访者计划在未来六个月内增加招聘,而22%的受访者计划减少招聘。此外,绝大多数人认为创造就业机会的最佳方法是降低公司和个人税率,并且直到2011年下半年或更晚的美国经济才能恢复。

“These findings are consistent with what we have been hearing from our manufacturing clients,” said Grant Thornton Manufacturing practice leader Walter Gruenes. “It is clear that the strong production gains experienced through the first half of 2010 have slowed significantly (only 2 percent growth in the third quarter) now that inventory re-stocking is complete and government incentive programs have expired (i.e. cash for clunkers, new homebuyer credit and so on). In addition, the indecision stemming from a weak economy and the unknown impact of governmental tax policy and new healthcare, labor and environmental regulation on business and individuals is causing paralysis as it relates to major business decisions such as expansion, expenditures and hiring. Export growth is the one bright spot for manufacturers—growth of 9.5 percent in 2010, which is expected to reach 10 percent in 2011,” Gruenes said.

格兰特·桑顿(Grant Thornton LLP)conducted the biannual national survey from Oct. 5 through Oct. 15, 2010, with 516 U.S. chief financial officers and senior comptrollers participating, of which 99 were manufacturing companies.

格兰特·桑顿(Grant Thornton LLP)


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