OPC launches OPC Foundation North American certification lab, provides pre-testing tools

Certification starts with a downloadable compliance test tool that lets suppliers pre-test their product ahead of time. The final step is shipping the product to an OPC Foundation certification lab—without having to send an engineer.

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OPC Foundation已开通北美认证实验室(Scottsdale,AZ),为任何OPC产品提供真正的第三方验证互操作性。认证过程是OPC基金会成员资格的好处,因此,为会员免费。旨在对供应商尽可能痛苦地进行无痛,同时保持真正的互操作性所需的严格标准,当供应商下载合规性测试工具时,该过程始于允许产品在运送到实验室之前“预先测试”。在预测试中,供应商首先定义产品的功能。然后,该工具提供了产品将进行测试的完整项目列表。前往软件开发工程师,预测试工具包括完整的开发环境。如果问题出现,该工具提供了有关需要修复或修改的特定反馈以实现合规性。通过预测试工具的产品为制造商提供保证,该产品将通过OPC基金会亚利桑那实验室的实际审计认证。OPC借用Profibus International和FieldBus基础的预测试工具的概念,该基础已成功使用此模型多年。一旦产品通过预测试,制造商将产品送到OPC基金会的北美实验室,以获得实际测试和合规审计。 An engineer need not accompany the product. All testing and certification is done remotely. In the lab, the product is run through a full suite of tests to verify interoperability.

The lab maintains a growing number of so-called reference products—actual products from other manufacturers that the product can be tested against. Initially consisting of about 15 products—including products from Rockwell, Siemens, and Honeywell—that number is expected to grow. Indeed, as manufacturers send their products to the lab for certification, OPC Foundation will ask if they can leave them with the lab to serve as reference products for future tests.

After OPC Foundation conducts the full interoperability audit, it provides a formal report to the manufacturer of what needs to be changed, if anything, to assure interoperability. Its test lab engineers also provide informal feedback and guidance for maintaining compatibility in the future while ensuring maximum performance of the product.

If a product fails the certification, OPC Foundation works with the supplier to resolve any problems.

虽然实验室只在4月开业,有lready 28 products in the queue for testing. Testing in the OPC Foundation lab typically takes aless than a week.

Read about a supplier’s experience on what it’s like to go through the testing process, as well as the end-user perspective on how certified components will sharply reduce implementation costs.


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