
A fitting choice for the holiday season, a deep dive into the eggnog category through consumer studies seeks to understand if packaging lives up to its promise.

In December, Hurley worked with Package InSight to explore a holiday grocery staple: eggnog.
In December, Hurley worked with Package InSight to explore a holiday grocery staple: eggnog.

12月,我合作了Package InSight探索假日购物主食:蛋酒。我们know successful packaging attracts and retains shopper attention, but we were also looking to understand if packaging lives up to its promise—a question we had not previously explored. To do this, we recruited real shoppers, split 50/50 between those who traditionally purchase eggnog and those who do not, and observed how they approached and made decisions on a competitive eggnog planogram.

To cap off the consumer deep dive, we set up a taste test between some of the most popular brands, with and without their packaging, to see how consumer opinions are swayed by product branding and marketing. Most of us have heard about the Coke vs. Pepsi taste tests, but expanding this into an entire category and combining the taste test with biometric and quantitative data is something new.


The final product is a robust report and video presentation, but here are three powerful takeaways unveiled within the report:

Eye-tracking findings:

Shoppers spent an average of 1.17 seconds looking at eggnog packaged goods (per SKU), and the length of attention positively correlated with purchases. Three of the four brands with the longest attention were the top-selling brands.

We also looked at individual label elements, including brand name, product name, visual illustrations, and callouts, and discovered that shopper attention is generally most focused on brand names and product illustrations. Calorie counts and “Ultra-Pasteurized” callouts were most often overlooked.

Qualitative surveys:

如前所述,我们在那些认为自己的人之间的人口分开,那些不喜欢喝Eggng的人。我们的Aficionado集团,大多数“购买”的品牌他们通常会购买,但在第三个表明他们没有一个首选品牌。这是一个非常大的市场削减,无法摆动。对于那些不购买Eggnog的人,44%的人报告只是不喜欢品味,但22%的人承认他们从未尝试过。如果您正在创建一个经典产品的新品牌,您将如何吸引爱好者andentice someone else to try it for the first time?

Taste test:

For this last activity, we invited our eggnog drinkers to participate in a taste test where they encountered three different eggnog packages with numbered samples in front of them—our “branded” samples. Next to those were three more numbered samples with no packaging—our “blind” samples. We chose three varied brands: one organic “high-end” brand, one popular “mass-market” brand found in all the stores we audited, and one less-expensive “no-frills” brand. Participants were asked to taste each sample and rate several of their characteristics on a 9-point hedonic scale (from extreme dislike to extreme like). What the participants didn’t know was that the branded samples and blind samples were the same three products.


Research like this provides value for every food company and supplier of packaging. It can give them a comprehensive understanding of their customer, their packaging’s effectiveness, and their packaging’s impact on the product experience—all things that help improve sales and the bottom line for our consumer-driven industries.

Learn more about what the research team didhere.

Dr. R. Andrew Hurleyis the founder ofPackage Insightand包装学校,and an Associate Professor at Clemson University.

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