
4G LTE是一种强大的基础设施,将在可预见的未来,而5G预计至少还有至少一年的实用。




由第三代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)的矛头,包括七个不同标准体的伞形组织,5G是长期演进(LTE)家族的最新产品。当技术成熟并且系统完全部署的系统时,5G可以达到20 Gbps的峰值下行数据速率,具有4毫秒的延迟和六个可靠性。当然,实用的数据速率更有可能是每秒数十兆比特的数量,但这一点是5G定位以提供性能水平,使其对任务关键型应用的高度吸引力。这是长期承诺。问题是:目前可用于升级系统的工业工程师?让我们解开一些最常见的问题和混淆。

1. Why is there so much excitement around 5G technology for industrial applications?

  • Mobile IoT/Massive IoT/LPWA (Low Power Wide Area)
    • 感应,跟踪和远程监控
  • Critical communications
    • 用于首次响应者和批判性IIOT的超可靠,低延迟应用
  • 增强的移动宽带
    • 多媒体和其他以人为本的应用程序的性能经验更高

There are Industrial IoT applications that fit within each of these use cases. For example, LPWA capabilities will enable data collection on previously un-monitored assets. In terms of critical communications, high reliability and low-latency may open up some control operations to wireless management. Finally, the higher bandwidth delivered by enhanced mobile broadband may allow users to collect massive amounts of data related to the performance of complex machines.

2. I’ve heard that 5G is already available, is that true?

排序的。请记住,有很多钱riding on 5G and archrivals (both carriers and device manufacturers) are keen to grab 5G headlines. We’ve seen this before during the introduction of 4G. At CES in 2011, a tier-one wireless carrier began labeling its HSPA+ phones as 4G, even though neither the phones nor the network they operated on were actually 4G.



3.蜂窝载波正在关闭他们的3G网络并谈论5G - 这意味着4G即将关闭4G?

不,但让我们在上下文中响应。早期标准如2G和3G是非常低效的,并且只提供有限的功能。LTE代表了现任技术的显着升级。运营商已经投入了大量资金,构建了他们的4G LTE网络,并希望尽可能长时间肯定这些资产。您可以认为频段像载波从FCC购买的通行方式。在该模型中,与4G LTE相比,2G和3G就像多通道高速公路,这就像一个高速轨道。它采取了巨大的投资来构建铁路(现在刚刚达到他们想要的每个区域),他们没有计划关闭它。

4. Should I wait until 5G is ready before evaluating new cellular technology?

这取决于你想要使用蜂窝的东西。如果你住在休斯顿,Tex,或萨利克斯托,加利福尼亚州,并希望你的家庭互联网Verizon 5G,去吧。如果您正在评估IIOT应用程序的蜂窝,则所有4G LTE解决方案元素(网络,设备,管理软件)都在适当的中,并在今天的世界各地使用EN Masse。相比之下,5G在开发和部署的早期。如果您决定持有互操作性5G的大规模部署,则您的竞争对手将在您之前在4G之前利用LTE连接。

5. I’ve heard of LoRa and other LPWAN technologies—are they part of 5G?

No. 5G refers to technologies and use cases defined and supported by 3GPP. A number of the LPWN technologies, including Long Range (LoRa) LPWN.,已由私营公司开发,由3GPP标准分开。您可以将它们视为与LTE-M和NB-IOT等传统蜂窝网络技术的竞争或替代解决方案。它们仍然对某些应用程序有很多价值,但它们不是5G。


Perhaps the most important point for industrial engineers to understand is there are hundreds of proven use cases supported by 4G LTE technology such as LTE Cat M, NB-IoT, and other LTE categories (Cat 1 – Cat 12). Remote PLC connectivity, sensing on industrial assets, predictive and remote maintenance are just a few of the solutions working in the field today. Discussing the trade-offs among the different 4G LTE technologies would provide ample material for another article. Suffice it to say that for industrial applications, the low hanging 4G LTE fruit is ripe for picking now, whereas 5G is going to require several years to reach that level of maturity.
