Meeting Surging Demand in the Industrial Equipment Market

Research shows that IE manufacturers plan to squeeze more out of their existing assets to meet surging demands. If you’re considering this, consider these points.

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今天,由于能力不足和关键技能短缺,即制造商正在寻找令人生畏,以跟上汹涌的需求。As a consequence, they face the difficult decision of either investing in building new, cost-intensive facilities in the belief that current demand will be long-term or capitalizing on today’s growth opportunities by squeezing more out of their existing assets to minimize cash outlay and risk.

埃森哲研究,“Insights from the Accenture Global Manufacturing Study,“在总部位于北美,欧洲,南美和亚洲的大公司的250名高级制造高管调查,包括49名高管代表IE制造商。该调查表明,许多公司倾向于后者;63%的回应IE高管表示,他们计划更多地利用他们目前的资产,而不是制定更多资本投资。该研究包括一系列洞察力,可以帮助IE公司更有效地利用其能力和能力分享在该部门的更新繁荣中,同时准备将来可能发生的潜在市场转变。


收购- 可以通过利用收购的能力和能力来从现有设施和资产实现。一致的方法是通过部署由丰田而闻名的制作的模块化方法,这可以使公司能够以响应市场变化来快速分配整个设施网络的制造能力。

自动化和技术—For years, IE manufacturers have relied on automation to improve plant output and efficiency, and eliminate capacity constraints. Today, they also have an opportunity to enhance this approach by applying emerging digital and other technology solutions to their plant operations and assets to make them more efficient and productive.


运营卓越—Surging demand is placing greater pressure on companies to keep their cost-per-unit steady. Maintaining or improving profitability is key to addressing this challenge. Assembling operational excellence teams focused solely on eliminating or minimizing manufacturing process constraints, increasing production efficiency, and generating the largest bottom-line returns based on specific profitability and value targets will help stabilize costs. Moreover, these actions can help ensure that increased capacity is profitable.

Skills- 临界技能供不应求。加剧这一挑战是越来越多的自动化和技术在制造业务中,需要需要更大的技术熟练程度的技能。公司可以通过编制关于员工技能组织的详细数据来解决此问题,以确定每个员工的态度,利益和能力。使用信息来形成内部技能匹配系统,可以帮助将功能更快地移动到所需的位置。

Visibility- 由于通过改善整个企业的业务的可见性,我可以进一步提高他们满足不断变化的需求的能力。这样做会帮助他们优化整个制造网络。

No one knows for certain whether or not the surge in demand industrial equipment manufacturers are experiencing will continue. But IE companies that adopt the actions described, designed to help them optimize their existing capacity and capabilities, will be in a better position to meet current and future demand.

>>詹姆斯罗宾斯,, is埃森哲汽车工业和工业设备行业北美董事总经理。
