iPad Use in Manufacturing

Put your hands up if you have no customers or suppliers.

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Put your hands up if you have no customers or suppliers.


Yet businesses everywhere run this risk. Production plans often have to change to meet a valuable, urgent order at late notice. A late switch of grade or change of plan has a greater impact the further down the manufacturing process you go—so for a logistics function at the very end of the process the impact can be huge and the time to react short.

Never has it been more important to use real-time data to good effect. Suppliers want to react faster, to take advantage of the smallest advantage. Customers expect this kind of agility and build long and profitable relationships with suppliers who can meet their needs. Where once there was an acceptance that B2B operated under different rules to B2C, now we all expect excellent service in our work lives too—and reward it with loyalty.

当然,实时运行数据是t的一部分he story; the rest is locked up in your data warehouse, ERP, CRM, OEE or any of the other myriad systems around the enterprise. The context of a developing situation is in there in the purchase orders, maintenance reports and other data. Bringing this together with real-time data gives genuine visibility and allows everyone involved to react appropriately to developing situations.

The technology is available today to de-risk business processes and so build trust into our relationships and agility into our enterprises. We start by bringing together real-time and enterprise data, making it available to the whole virtual team regardless of their organisation structure or corporate identity.


Sabisu的Tim Sharpe联合创始人兼首席执行官/MD;一个用于与同事,客户和供应商社区无缝共享您的业务信息的云应用程序 - 您的数据保持安全,每个人都可以使用它。Google我,或我的Twitter句柄@timjsharpeand you'll find what you want to know.

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