
I’m attending the 15th annual ODVA Industry Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, this week and a breakfast conversation turned to training and manufacturing.

On the first day of the event,ODVA(www.odva.org)conducted training workshops on a variety of EtherNet/IP and CIP topics and I talked to one of the lead trainers from罗克韦尔自动化(www.rockwellautomation.com)the next day. I asked him if there were a lot of young engineers in the sessions? He said, “not really, most of us graybeards.” That statement led to a discussion on how do you get younger folks thinking about manufacturing as a career?

According to a recent article on theskills mismatch in U.S. manufacturing,乔治敦大学的哈里·霍尔泽(Harry Holzer)说:“在创造就业机会方面,有很多雇主处于利润率。一个因素是他们所看到的美国工人的技能质量以及教育和劳动力系统创造这些技能的质量。”


Anyway, as the ABB engineer stated in reference to Stuxnet: “every challenge comes with an opportunity.”


Thursday is the general session and annual members meeting, stay tuned for more information on that meeting.

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